So here's my self-portrait Saturday picture, taken while thrifting in Crookston, Minnesota. Got a bunch of cool things that I'll share in a different post, so, for now, enjoy three of me.
Self-portrait Saturday
So here's my self-portrait Saturday picture, taken while thrifting in Crookston, Minnesota. Got a bunch of cool things that I'll share in a different post, so, for now, enjoy three of me.
Wednesday was the first day of this month's four-day sale at Junk with Spunk. I usually fall in love with about 500 things, but limit myself due to limitations of funds or storage space. This month, I picked up this cute little guy.
Gnocchi-o and Skill-i-et
Blowing on the finished dish and taking my first bite. It was delicious despite the funny look on my face in the second picture. What you see there is some apprehension. This took little time and is definitely something I would make again since it was so easy. I also liked that it was vegetarian because once upon a time I counted myself amongst those awesome people.
Thoughts or questions? Feel free to comment!
Grandma's 80th
While my grandma was sleeping, my sister and I (mostly me because she came into the room late) blew up 80 balloons and tried to stash them in the closet of the room where my mom and I were sleeping and behind one of the beds. Our plan was to put out the 80 balloons, the 80 cards that my mom's students and mine made the week before, the banner, and the birthday balloon while she took her morning bath.
Normally she gets up, we all eat breakfast, and then she will take the bath. Much to our chagrin, my mom and I woke up around 7am so the sound of the tub running. We looked at each other and, in the fastest, quietest way possible, grabbed the balloons from their hiding place and brought them to the kitchen, grabbed the cards and put them all over her kitchen table, and hung the what I'm sure was record time.
We were in the living room getting ready to sneak back to bed, everything finally in place, when we heard the bathroom door open. We decided to just wait and see her reaction and I, being the kind granddaughter that I am, decided to have my camera ready to capture her reaction.
As we were getting ready to leave on Sunday, she commented that she had never had a birthday quite like this one. Mission accomplished.
5 Senses Project
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Anchor Boards

Techy Chick
Hunger Games
So I saw these awesome Hunger Games shoes on Etsy, but they were eighty bones and I couldn't find it in myself to dish out that kind of dough for Toms with a little bit of decoration on them.
I decided to try my hand at creating a pair for myself. I went to Target and found a pair of black fabric-covered flats on sale for about thirteen bucks. Next I went to my mecca, also known as Michaels, and bought a giant pack of fabric pens with a 40% off coupon (love Michaels' coupons). I decided that it was worth buying the kit of fifteen colors because, with the coupon, it ended up being the same price as buying the three fabric pens that I thought I needed.
I have zero artistic ability, that should be shared right away. I tend to take on artistic challenges that are above my talent level, but I generally fare well because I have patience, take my time, and plan my project out.
Now, should I get cheesy and say what the books and movie and these themed craft projects mean to me? Okay, internet, I'll share. Hunger Games...I don't even remember when I started reading them, but I remember it was three books over the course of roughly three days (the last one found, perhaps illegally, online). The books touched me in a weirdly personal and private way. When I read the books, not every one was doing it, and it was one of the first things I had done for just myself and by myself in awhile.
I saw the movie the day after it came out with the seventh grade team that I work with. It was probably the best group to see it with, as my taste in books, and maturity level, generally match their age group.
The second time I went with one of my guy friends who is reading the books, so it was fun to have a fellow grown up's opinion on the movie and someone to help dissect the cinematography.
I haven't done anything remotely crafty in a couple of months, but when I saw those shoes, I knew I was about to get out of my funk.
They aren't perfect, but they were made by me and I love them!
I didn't use stencils or anything, but I did use a pencil to map out where the words and mockingjay would go. I guess that's my piece of advice for anyone who wants to try and create their own, use a pencil, or better yet, chalk, to plan the placement of everything on the shoes. I probably drew and erased the words about four or five times.
Anyway, here is the picture. Feel free to ooh and aww in the comments :)