1.// What is one of your silly quirks? Or something silly that you get excited about.
I have a lot of silly quirks. Touching the ceiling of my car when driving through a yellow light. Getting super excited about something and shouting, usually with a jump or weird hand motions or both. After a long day at work I like to dance in the kitchen with my dog, sometimes I hold him like a baby other times we both jump up and down like idiots. What can I say, I'm a quirky gal.
2.// Favorite movie, song, or tv show?
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I can watch this movie again, and again, and again. Maybe it's weird, but I think it's a beautiful love story despite the way love destroys these two people. I love the idea that even when they hear themselves complaining about the other, spouting off the flaws and quirks that they've grown to hate, they decide to throw caution to the wind and risk falling in love again. There is something about consuming, devastating love that draws me.
4.// Tell us something we don't know about you.
I feel 500 times prettier when I have curly hair. The problem is that it takes roughly two hours to do the ridiculous mane that is my long, thick hair.
8.// What's a current dream that you are hoping to achieve?
Publish a book. Summer seems to have sucked all of the creativity out of my brain. I've been trying really hard to create something amazing, but mentally I'm just not as invested in it as I want to be.
10.// Who or what inspires you?

My parents. Their friendship, marriage, and the way they live their lives with passion, purpose, and joy is an inspiration not only to me, but to everyone around them.
11.// Share one of your favorite pics. Tell us why it's your favorite

I cheated and picked two pictures. The one above is me and one of my best friends, Shannon. This is one of the first times we hung out. We met in December because I was infatuated with a boy in one of my writing classes and she was dating one of his friends. My boy didn't last more than a week or two (she got married to hers), but Shannon and I bonded over my stupid decisions and her sweet, soft nature with just a decent amount of weird tossed in.

This picture is me and my other best friend, Sara. One day we were trying to pinpoint the moment we became friends, not just brothers in our co-ed service fraternity, and she said it was at this bake sale. One of the other members in the group loved taking photos, so there are about a dozen that document what Sara identifies as the official start of our friendship.
I love both of these ladies more than I can even begin to describe and it was hard to pick a picture that was a favorite because all of the best moments in my life are with them. So what is a better picture than the ones that show the start of friendships that grew into something so unbelievably amazing?
Now it's your turn, pick 6 of the 12 and blog, tweet, talk about them with some of your pals.
1.// What is one of your silly quirks? Or something silly that you get excited about.
2.// Favorite movie, song, or tv show?
3.// Any funny stories to share that has happened recently?
4.// Tell us something we don't know about you.
5.// What's your favorite beauty secret or product?
6.// What's your favorite or go-to outfit? (pics please)
7.// What's a personal trial you had to overcome?
8.// What's a current dream that you are hoping to achieve?
9.// What's the coolest thing you've made? (food, craft, anything)
10.// Who or what inspires you?
11.// Share one of your favorite pics. Tell us why it's your favorite
12.// What's your favorite part about marriage? Or what have you learned since becoming married?