29 Before 30 March Update

Miraculously, it hasn't been two years since my last post...only two months!  Progress!  I figured I'd pop back on the blog today with a very simple goals update.  No pressure on me for coming up with anything marvelous and earth-shattering.

  1. Read 200 books- As of today, I have read 33 books which, according to my Goodreads, is 3 behind schedule.  Still.  33 books is almost half of what I read last year!  This year I'm listening to audiobooks like crazy and counting all the read alouds I do for library.  Plus, when I buy new picture books for friends or the library, I'm counting those as well (if I read them). 
  2. Visit a new state- Nothing yet.  Nothing planned.
  3. Lose some weight, specifically weigh less than 160 at some point this year- I was doing really well with Whole30 in January, but I need to get focused on healthier eating and moving more.
  4. Blog at least twice monthly- Obviously this hasn't happened.
  5. Write a new short story- Nope
  6. Get my passport- Maybe this summer?
  7. Learn to crochet- Nope
  8. Take an exercise class- Tried to sign up for one with a friend back in February, but the class filled up.  This one is coming.
  9. Put up trim in dining room
  10. Paint bedroom-I know the paint color....
  11. Paint stairs- Nope
  12. Clean garage out enough so one car can park in it- This feels like a spring/summer job.  There is too much snow to do this now.
  13. Visit a winery- Again, hopefully in summer.
  14. Read four religious books- I downloaded one...haven't started it.
  15. Read four education books (not including grad school books)- I'm reading, and loving, one right now.  I'll share more when I finish.
  16. Visit Sara and Merrick (and Rob)- THIS IS HAPPENING NEXT WEEK!  Mike and I are going on my two days off from school.
  17. Visit Shannon and Jared- Hopefully this summer.  Mike hasn't ever been out to their lake place, and I think they'll be fine with us coming since they'll officially be a family of 4!
  18. Go to a concert-Nothing planned.  I'd love to road trip this summer for one.
  19. Go to church 24 times- Man...I am at 6?  So I think that means I'm on track.
  20. Do a no spend week- Nothing planned
  21. Go to a financial person and figure out savings/retirement- Nope
  22. Invest in the stock market- We opened an eTrader account....
  23. Go to a Twins game- Season hasn't started yet
  24. Go to a play- Nothing yet
  25. Playmate for Crookston- Not for want of trying
  26. Have an epic garage sale at parents- Summer
  27. Try something new to Mike and me- Man...I think that we probably have, but I'm not sure
  28. Build products for TPT (list 5 new items)- I've worked on things, but have lost steam
  29. Do 30 days of something- Nothing done or planned

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