
I've been flirting with the idea of getting a tattoo(s) for years now. I know exactly what I want, where I want it, it's just a matter of deciding to take the plunge financially and emotionally.

My first tattoo will be a line from "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky. I'm thinking it'll be something like this
The quote means a lot to me, blah, blah, blah and what not. The placement and font will be different, but it's essentially what I want.

Now, I love the idea of literary tattoos so I'm constantly pinning them and looking for new ideas. That's what happened today when I stumbled across this poem:


225 days under grass
and you know more than I.
they have long taken your blood,
you are a dry stick in a basket.
is this how it works?
in this room
the hours of love
still make shadows.

when you left
you took almost
I kneel in the nights
before tigers
that will not let me be.

what you were
will not happen again.
the tigers have found me
and I do not care.

There are a lot of tattoos that say "the tigers have found me/and I do not care." I thought that was such an amazing and adept way of describing grief. It struck a cord with me and I had one of those moments where you just stare at something and your mind both goes blank and on overload from thinking so much.

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